Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hi Friends

Last weekend we had a lovely time at the Beautiful Independence Day celebrations so kindly hosted by H.E. Ambassador Pradeep Kapur and his lovely family in their residence. We thank them and are ever grateful for their efforts in organising such lovely events for the communtiy.

After that we had the Janmashtmi day celebrations in the temple, with bhajans and celebrations as well as prasad for everyone. The organisation was splendid and everyone had a great time. I am putting up some photos for everyone to enjoy. Also i remind everyone that if you do want to put some of your own photos up please send them to so that i can upload them to our site.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Indian Temple

Dear Friends

Sorry, it has been a long time since my last posting. I would like to update everyone as to our new Indian Temple which has been set up in Nuñoa. The address is Suarez Mujica 2897, Nuñoa and the number there is 920-1105.

If anyone would like to support or have events there they can get in touch directly with Mahraj Ravi or his wife Bhavna to co-ordinate any events.

This weekend there will be the janmasthmi puja to be held at the temple at 4:30 and it will be nice to see everone there. After the event we will post some photos for everyone to enjoy.